Not much time has passed since the announcement of the new Hai Hui adventure and we already have about 30 enthusiastic participants who want to explore and discover Romania's cultural treasures.
This group of brave riders, coming from various corners of the country, gathered to live an extraordinary adventure, on two wheels.
While we can't feature each one individually, here are some of the special knights who will be sharing this journey with us:

The man in charge of accommodation and cooking, Balamuc is the true magician of hospitality and comfort. He will take care of the "booking", "cooking" and "fu***g" of our group of riders, making sure that we enjoy the best conditions on our trip. With skillful hands and grace in preparing the most delicious dishes, Balamuc combines the talent of a host with a sense of humor, offering us support and pleasant moments in our journey on two wheels.

The DJ on duty, fiddler in chief! He takes care of the musical themes of the rides and divides his joy between the imperfect Harley, but full of soul and story, and the boring and annoyingly German BMW. Gout, AC/DC, Salam, Guns N' Roses, Adrian Copil Munune, Harley, BMW, Cicione! This master of music and unique combinations will keep us hooked and humming our favorite songs throughout the adventure. Cici is the soul of the party and the engine that keeps our energy high.

The man we will all need, sooner or later! This Lord of our day, the Lord of the Brown Ring, will be ready to help us in times when we need his magical and saving intervention. Armed with an infectious smile and invaluable medical knowledge, Doc is our brother, (or rather we are all his brothers) watching over the gang's health and making us feel safe throughout the adventure. When we face the dangers and challenges of the road, it's good to know we have a real hero to get us out of the mess and back to top form!
Don Bila

The mysterious host from day one, the man with secrets he can't reveal yet. This knight of luck and surprises awaits us with open arms, ready to make us smile and ask us "what's next?". Don Bila will welcome us with the hospitality of a true friend and the enigmatic aura of a master of suspense, turning our journey into an unforgettable story.

The fearless parachutist, defender of our glia and the intermediary in the discussions with the representatives of the ethnic groups. He is the one who laid the foundations of this adventure full of cultural discoveries, combining the passion for motorcycles and the love for the diverse communities of our country.

The skilful rider of the angry mosquito, with the crystalline laugh amplified by the spirited degrees, which spreads smiles and infects you to the point of torment. This jovial and energetic character brings joy to the Hai Huieni pack, always being the center of attention and ready to cheer up the other knights. With his free spirit and kind heart, Joker is a reliable companion on the gang's long journey.
May New

Hai Hui flag bearer, flag founder, and custom t-shirt artist. This plucky rider proudly wears our pack's crest throughout the journey, like a Robin Hood of fabrics and colours. He is said to have learned the secret of perfect tees from the wisdom of Arthur Ashe: "One of the keys to success is self-confidence. One of the keys to self-confidence is preparation." Mai Nea proves to us that humor and creativity can turn any trip into a carnival of priceless memories.

The grand master of logistics in our fog, Mago will guide the driver and support car accompanying the group of brave riders, making sure everything runs smoothly. This wizard of organization takes care of all the details and helps us focus on the pleasures of the adventure, knowing we're in good hands. Mago, the true shadow hero, turns our trip into an unforgettable show.
Moroccan - Former prosecutor and unsurpassed dancer hidden behind a patriarchal beard and guided and cheerful eyes. The Moroccan brings with him to the Hai Huieni team an air of mystery and experience. With graceful gaits like a saddled gazelle and a commanding presence, he will win the hearts of all and bring a touch of showmanship among the knights.

One of the sacred monsters of motorcycling in Romania. If we added up all our miles, we still wouldn't reach the impressive number of miles he has racked up. His story started from his maternity days, when he came home in the attachment of a motorcycle. His childhood was spent among unrolled motorcycles in the living room, instead of the television. Matias is the one who brings the experience, passion and spirit of motorcycling to our gang of Hai Huieni, being a role model and a mentor to all who want to become passionate riders.

Tasteful spell and spell builder. Nemu is the master of fun and jokes that will instill energy and cheer in the ranks of the gang. This rider of laughter and smiles, with his witty words and jovial spirit, will make our journey even more enjoyable and unite us in laughter and good cheer. When Nemu is around, boredom and worries evaporate like magic, leaving behind only beautiful memories and close friendships.
Nicu – The Moldovan hunter, Nicu crosses the country year after year to be with his comrades, no matter how little time he has at his disposal. His dedication and loyalty to the group is admirable and an inspiration to those around him. This year, Nicu took care of the piece de resistance: the gypsy party. With his skills as an organizer and his knowledge of gypsy culture, Nicu prepared an unforgettable party for all group members, highlighting gypsy traditions and hospitality in an impressive and authentic way.

Come Hui-anul with a quiver full of hard-to-believe, but true, stories that even the famous television wouldn't have discovered. OTeVe is the ideal companion in any ride, because it brings with it events and happenings that you would not have dreamed of. He's always ready to tell you: "You don't even know what you're missing!" This bard of the modern age turns every journey into an epic worthy of being told and shared, capturing the attention of those around him with his breathtaking and unique stories. There is no ride without OTeVe and its fabulous adventures!
Good Man

The founder of the Hai Hui journeys (along with the charismatic D'Artagnan - whom we were expecting back at any time) and the captain of the gang. Most notably Hai Huian, he is the one who inspired a lot of adventures on two wheels. With a clear vision and a burning passion for travel, Good Man is the leader who gathers the band of riders into a close brotherhood despite their differences. While traversing Romania's roads and teaching others the secrets of travel, Om Bun is the soul and heart of this gang of Hai Huieni, leading them to new horizons and memorable adventures.
The piece

The world's number 1 broker, Piesa is known for its outstanding efficiency: 10 has, 10 brings. With his locks and beard that look like an outlaw, Piesa impresses and attracts the eyes of those around him. His charisma and skills make him a feared negotiator, but also a reliable ally for the other members of the group. Surrounded by his genuine friendship and brave spirit, Piesa and his comrades form an unbeatable team, ready to face any obstacle.
Profu' (ie me)

The storyteller and the imager of the ride, the one who will try to immortalize our adventure in words and will relate the experiences lived by the group of riders. Mounted on his winged horse and accompanied by his eagle of vision, Profu' will capture the memorable moments and images of our journey. It is this teacher of words and the art of photography who will translate the gang's adventures and exploits into writing, leaving us with priceless memories of the journey we shared together. With his keen eye and skillful pen, Profu' will be the one to write the legend Hai Huienilor! Never annoyed: "He left"!

Calm, sharpening his knife...riding with his hair in the wind, whether on horse or Indian or Harley. Rahan with his pipe, confounded us with it, and taught and imparted to us the magic of life, the special honey that is indispensable and gives knightly potency. This stoic and wise rider is a pillar of balance in the Hai Huieni pack, inspiring others with his patience and courage and contributing to the theme of this ride. With a mystical presence and a deep understanding of human nature, Rahan is a reliable ally in the gang's adventures.
Stefan Tacere

Your Eminence Hai Hui-ana! Always ready to overturn any trace of order, to hunt something in full prohibition, or to wear the cloak of calm in the midst of total commotion. This horseman of tolerance and understanding is always willing to gently scold and forgive the small faults of those he loves most. With an attitude worthy of a true Papal Holiness, Stefan Tacere is ready at any time to give the blessing for an (un)authorized party. Why? Because it can! This fascinating character adds a touch of chaos and unpredictability to any adventure, making our trip even more memorable.

An enigmatic character, Trikey is known as the Pack Closer, having the ability to guard the herd from any danger. With three impressive wheels that seem to be visible even from the moon, the Trikey expertly navigates the crowds, handling the trike better than many seasoned riders. His music seems to have the role of warding off evil spirits and the Mummy of the Woods, creating an energetic ring around the biker gang to protect it from witches' spells.

Specialist in continuous babble and Oltenian haggard spell. Varu will bring the specific flavor and charm of Olten to our adventure. This horseman of clever words and frothy jokes, with his irresistible Olten charm, will stir up laughter and mirth in our company. With his jovial spirit and witty lines, Varu will add a dash of color and flavor to the stories and happenings of the gang. Our adventure would not be complete without the magic of this wizard of words from Olten!

Hai the misunderstood Hui-an. Yoyo, a lonely and mysterious rider, is tried by times and adventures known only to him and his immortal horse. An enigmatic and fascinating character, Yoyo joins the gang bringing with him an aura of mystery and untold adventures. With his past still unknown to the others, Yoyo follows his own path but gets involved in the gang's travels, offering his help and support when needed.
The HOG - Horsemen united in a strong and fearless pack, forming a unitary and solidary whole. Together, we support each other, laugh, cry and face life's adventures and challenges. Each of us makes unique and valuable contributions to this journey, and our combined strength enables us to overcome any obstacle and create priceless memories.
HAI HUI -enii,

a group of friends who share their passion for two wheels and freedom, who have decided that one of the 52 weeks of the year is theirs! Each of us comes from different situations... from the operating room, from the office, from the production, from the family, leaving the wives sobbing at home, we leave all the worries of the modern world outside the group, and when we put the helmet on our heads we are united by the same passion, for the care for the one in our group and not only, for a sign that represents a lot for all of us. The Hai Hui people never leave behind a Hai Hui an...
These knights on two wheels, together with the other participants, will form the Hai Huieni team, which will explore together the beauties and cultural treasures of Romania.